29 MAY 2009 3:30-4:30
Lecture: UnSworn Industries

This DESIGN ACT lecture was held as part of the New Media Meeting (an annual international media art festival arranged by the non-profit organization Resistans).

Participants: UnSworn
Moderator: Ramia Mazé
Venue: Flygeln, Norrkbping, Sweden
Language: English

Technology shapes society. Industrial and energy technologies transform landscapes and lifestyles... information and communication systems influence how people act and interact. .. traditional and new media change our view of the world. Many artists and designers are engaging with the powerful social ideas and societal effects of new technologies and media today. Their work asks questions, manifests alternatives, and engages stakeholders.

Together, we might discuss – Does new media enable new forms of social expression and communication? How might broadcast and interactive media stimulate new interactions within and across communities? What are the private and public interests that might be (under)represented? What can art and design do in relation to societal, humanitarian and environmental issues?



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